Marion Bartelt-Simon

Senior Account Director

Marion has been with mk² almost since its founding, joining in 2001.  As Senior Account Director she is currently responsible for the PR, marketing, and trade programs of different clients. Marion lends her expertise in media, social media, influencer relations, and copywriting across all mk² programs. 
Marion loves her work at mk² because it allows her to build personal relationships throughout the production chain: from the farmer to the industry decision makers, the R&D scientist to the end consumer. 
Prior to joining mk², Marion was the Food & Beverage lead for a Hamburg-based PR agency, provided marketing for a leading spirits producer, and served in several editorial offices. Combined, Marion brings a lot of experience in Food PR & Marketing to mk². Along the way has gained expertise in nutrition research and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regulations.
Marion holds an M.A. in Cultural Studies with a focus on art, economics and public relations from the University of Lüneburg. Fluent in English and German, she has travelled extensively in the U.S. and Europe. Marion is an ambitious amateur photographer and loves spending spare time at, in, or on the water.

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